Purchase a Membership

Become a Member

Save even more as a member of The Art Institute! 

Enjoy exclusive benefits while supporting The Art Effect’s mission to empower young people to develop their creative voice, shape their futures, and bring about positive social change through visual and media arts. Save an additional 5% on classes and Summer Arts Camps, get in early with VIP entry to meet with top arts colleges at Hudson Valley Regional Portfolio Day, and receive early access to registration for year-round art courses.

To maximize your membership benefits, The Art Effect uses a rolling membership model whereby your membership expires one-year from the date you first sign-up. We also offer an auto-renewal option to make it easy to sign-up each year.

If you have any questions or would like to purchase your membership over the phone, call 845.471.7477 to reach The Art Effect today

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Member Contact Information
Authorize.net (Credit Card)
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